Just to demonstrate what is possible and to give it a more prominet place
than it would have in "Karls Geopolymer Experiments".
Cigarette ash has a very low quality.
Produced at rather low temperatures
contaminated with unburned carbon
and incompletely combusted organic material.
Dried tobacco leaves contain in %:
Cl 0.3-2.3, K2O 2.7-9.3, CaO 2.2-3.7, MgO 0.4-1.3
Total Ash 9.2-23.0, SiO2 and trace minerals 4.4-8.8
www.tandfonline.com/doi/pdf/10.1080/03758397.1960.10857675Cigarette ash contains also small amounts of titanium dioxide and clay
from the cigarette paper.
I have mixed ash from my ashtray with a bit clay, about 5 times slag sand
and the usual amounts of lye and cement with waterglass.
It may be not the best possible geopolymer,
but it is quite strong and of course refractory.
It stinks while it is wet.
s61.photobucket.com/user/geo-karl/media/FromAshTray_zpsoayiyyq1.jpg.html?sort=3&o=0For geopolymerisation wood ashes have much better compositions
and rocket stoves can produce pretty clean ash.
To everybody who wants to use saw dust in geopolymer:
I would like to recomment to do as follows.
Mix the saw dust with clay and a little water to a consistency like modeling clay.
Form it to sticks and let it dry.
Burn the sticks in your stove to get calcined clay in your ash.
Happy ash collecting.