In response to the original idea of irregularities of the riser:
This is something I've mulled over a bit myself...
In a mathematical dynamics class I had a few years ago we covered some fluid dynamics, so my knowledge is only cursory... One of the earliest developments in mathematically approaching fluid flow was the Rayleigh constant for a given liquid. succinct definition if not transparent. The application to this situation is that laminar flows can only happen under a certain speed in a given tunnel/path. The example I remember is the air carrying smoke from a candle that is blown out or a cigarette starts out smooth, but once accelerated beyond a certain speed a few inches up it loses coherence and swirls out turbulently.
I understood the turbulence mechanism in the riser working by speeding the air as much as possible since air has (relatively) low viscosity. So I would guess introducing large irregularities to the riser produces more drag, slowing the air near the surface, perhaps slowing the process of working up to full efficiency from cold start. However, once everything is hot enough the irregularities probably not of detriment or benefit?
Another distinction I remember is that square pathways loathe laminar flow, which I believe is also diagrammed in Ianto Evan's/Leslie Jackson's book. We apply that in foundry molds for cast iron by feeding the molten metal into the molds with square 'sprues' when possible to prevent flow lines on the surface texture of the final casting. I would also assume that is why the bottom leg of a J or L combustion chamber is non-circular (and also of smaller cross-section for the venturi effect, forcing higher velocities).
Finally, in a wind tunnel they have to take great care in the turns to vane everything to keep laminar flows, since sudden turns also cause a lot of turbulence. This stirring effect happens twice in the rocket at the beginning and the end of the riser.
Now the level of turbulence we're attempting to achieve is difficult to fathom since we're not just trying to mix the jam into the yogurt visually, but do so well enough the any sugar molecule from jam is completely removed from the ones originally adjacent and placed in yogurt. This is disassociating sets across 6 to 9 magnitudes of scale, centimeters to nanometers, and doing this several times over to crack and fully combust a complex molecule. (a truly chaotic function) This is one reason I greatly admire the relatively consistent efficiency of the stoves I see made by the people on this forum. (My first rocket stove for evaporating maple sap would pale in comparison).
I'll guess the real measure of turbulence design is in starting the heat->turbulence dynamo, how quickly a stove can reach its maximum efficiency as the unearthly heats really take over and do their thing. The trick is influencing the luke warm starting drafts to be turbulent enough without dragging the speed down too much. This helps me admire the dragon design, being simple, insinuating the turbulence early in the pathway where the air is coolest and preventing too much turbulence where it would slow the flow too much early in the burn.
No matter the level of turbulence, if the stoichiometry is off, the chemistry is bottlenecked. Proper levels of primary/secondary air are equally important.
However, if I learned one thing about fluid dynamics in school, it's that tiny differences in context and setup lead to unpredictable and radically different outcomes. I liked that little video of the corrugated tube, a good example of this frustrating truth; So I'm excited to hear any further results despite my overconfident ramblings and predictions.
Thank you everybody(!!) for the excellent ideas and discussion, I'm quite inspired. Keep 'em coming!